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About Hungary

The Republic of Hungary is located in Central Europe, in the Carpathian Basin which is surrounded by the Carpathians, the Alps and the Dinara Mountains, between northern latitudes of 45°44' and 48°35' and eastern longitudes of 16°07' and 22°54'. The territory of the country is 93,030 square kilometres, covering about 1 per cent of Europe.
Almost three quarters of the territory of the country is low plane, one fifth is raised with the maximum altitude of 400 metres, and approximately 5% of the total territory of the country is mountainous with altitudes varying between 400-1000 metres.

The highest peak in the country is the Peak of Kékes in the Mátra Hills, rising to 1014 metres. The lowest part of the country is located in the valley of the River Tisza, south of Szeged, in Gyálarét (78 metres). The Great Plane (Alföld) and the Small Plane (Kisalföld) are flat, the Zala and Somogy hills, the Tolna saddles in Transdanubia are hilly areas, while the mountains are represented by the Sopron, the Kőszeg, the Mecsek, the Transdanubia and the Northern mountain ranges.

Area:93,030 square kilometres

Total length of the state borders: 2,216.8 km

Highest peak: Kékes (1014 m)

Lowest point: Gyálarét (78 m)

Main rivers: Duna (Danube) (length in Hungary: 417 km), Tisza (length in Hungary: 596 km), Lajta, Rábca, Rába, Zala, Dráva, Ipoly, Zagyva, Sajó, Hernád, Bodrog, Szamos, Hármas-Körös and Maros
Largest lakes: Balaton (596 square kilometres), Velencei-tó (26 square kilometres), Fertő tó (southern part, 75 square kilometres)

Geographic regions: Alföld (Great Plain), Kisalföld (Small Plain), Nyugat-Magyarországi peremvidék or Alpokalja (Western Hungary or Lower Alps), Dunántúli-dombság (Transdanubia hills), Dunántúli-középhegység (Transdanubia mountain range) and Északi-középhegység (Northern mountain range).

Population (1 February 2001): 10,197,119 persons

Density of population (31 January 2001): 109.6 residents/square kilometre

Main national and ethnic groups: Hungarian, Croatian, German, Roma, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovene.

Official language: Hungarian

Capital: Budapest

State form: Republic

Administration structure: 19 counties and the capital city

Urban population: 64.6 per cent

Employment (2000): agriculture 6.5 %, industry 33.7 %, other 59.7 %

Main religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant (Calvinist and Lutheran), Greek Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox
Largest cities:(31 January 2001) Budapest (1,775,203 residents), Debrecen (211,038 residents), Miskolc (184,129 residents), Szeged (168,276 residents), Pécs (162,502 residents) and Győr (129,415 residents)

Transport network (31 December 1999): railways 7,768 km (2,530 km electrified), roads 30,267 km

Per capita GDP (gross domestic product, 2000): USD 4,528*, EUR 4,940 (*calculated at the official medium exchange rate of the National Bank of Hungary)

Official currency: Forint (1 Euro = approx. 230 Forints)


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